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Tiger Unleashed
Published on April 29, 2005 By
Black Xero
WinCustomize News
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It's official—Apple Computer Inc. has released the long-awaited, much-speculated-upon OS X 10.4 Tiger operating system, an upgrade to the current OS X, complete with a smattering of bells and whistles.
Apple says that its new OS, Mac OS X version 10.4, or Tiger, contains more than 200 new features and applications. The highlights are Spotlight, a desktop search technology; and Dashboard, a new way to access information using widgets. The OS also allows for videoconferences with other Tiger users.
New Finder features; better interface responsiveness and overall speed, even on legacy hardware; Safari includes improved performance and RSS; QuickTime 7.0 offers higher-resolution video; new Automator allows systemwide scripting; Core Data and Core Image open up new opportunities to developers; better cross-platform compatibility.
Most upgrades are hidden under the hood; features the average user will notice, such as Mail, clash with Apple's own user interface design; some features are unavailable on hardware older than a year or two.
Sources of the news:
CNET News:
New Features:
Fine More Information at Apple's Site.
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Comments (Page 1)
3 Pages
on Apr 29, 2005
Dashboard, a new way to access information using widgets
Yes...very new...
Jos Joslyn
on Apr 29, 2005
Took delivery of "Tiger" today, installed it.............. what a dream!! Only thing I can think of that installs more easily is a "light bulb"!! Whatever the detractors may say, the "visual experience" of the Mac is wonderful, it is responsive, and the only other OS that can compete for "stay-up" reliability is OS/2, or eComStation. The dashboard, whilst not earth shatteringly new, does appear - at this early stage seem to be more stable than similar offerings on the Windoze platform.
Jos Joslyn
on Apr 29, 2005
I'll put DesktopX 3's stability with its default widgets up against Dashboard any day.
on Apr 29, 2005
I'm not normally one to speak out on the Mac v. Windows thing but hey. Compare it with that hothouse of OS creativity that is Microsoft. Oh wait. Longhorn is looking more and more like XP every day. One company makes incremental improvements. The other makes incremental regressions.
on Apr 30, 2005
apparently judge hasn't been keeping up with the news. apparently judge hasn't seen the latest on how microsoft wants everyone to take their screenshots off of their websites. apparently judge doesn't understand that longhorn is still in beta. apparently judge knows nothing about the evolution between beta and official. apparently judge is a hipocrite for using microsoft products and flaming microsoft at the same time. or is judge just not sure what he thinks, or is he a flip-flopper John Kerry?
Eroticus Prime
on Apr 30, 2005
Apparently jeffsosta has some facts wrong.
on Apr 30, 2005
Great digression Judge! FYI, as jeffsosta stated, Longhorn is still in Alpha (Pre-Beta) stage. If you knew how different early builds of codename Whistler were compared to XP RTM then you would refrain from being unconstructive. To assume that in pre-beta builds we've seen it all of Longhorn is making a misinformed statement.
on Apr 30, 2005
double submission
on Apr 30, 2005
I'll put DesktopX 3's stability with its default widgets up against Dashboard any day
not sure what you mean. DX3 has some problems, even with its default widgets.
on Apr 30, 2005
apparently judge hasn't been keeping up with the news. apparently judge hasn't seen the latest on how microsoft wants everyone to take their screenshots off of their websites. apparently judge doesn't understand that longhorn is still in beta. apparently judge knows nothing about the evolution between beta and official. apparently judge is a hipocrite for using microsoft products and flaming microsoft at the same time. or is judge just not sure what he thinks, or is he a flip-flopper John Kerry?
Great digression Judge! FYI, as jeffsosta stated, Longhorn is still in Alpha (Pre-Beta) stage. If you knew how different early builds of codename Whistler were compared to XP RTM then you would refrain from being unconstructive. To assume that in pre-beta builds we've seen it all of Longhorn is making a misinformed statement.
Sheesh guys. Calm down. I'll be a hypocrite if I want to be
on Apr 30, 2005
Oh dear! Mac vs Windows. just as well not as much time effort and thought goes into the differences between races and nationalities - otherwise we'd have many more international disputes - with so many biased opinions.
A Mac user does so by choice, a Windows user does so by choice, and if each user gets what they expected, wanted and needed from their choice of OS, then what else really matters.
Truth is: neither system is perfect, nor will they ever be because they're man made.
And we've yet to see Apple and Microsoft spend as much time and effort debating this issue. One would suspect they put their time to better use, luckily for us, for there'd be no OS' to compare, otherwise.
Black Xero
on Apr 30, 2005
DX is getting more and more stable with every new build.
I'll put DesktopX 3's stability with its default widgets up against Dashboard any day.
Waiting for that great day.
on Apr 30, 2005
Apparently jeffsosta has some facts wrong.
such as?
on May 01, 2005
Well, I have to say I went from Windows to Mac here a few months ago. Like they all say...it's true, there's no chance in hell of me going back. You wouldn't believe how awesome it is to have a computer that oh say....WORKS!!! No more "What did I just do? Why did everything freeze? Guess I have to reboot this thing, I'll just accept that that's the way it is, that's how computers are..."
The things we put up with because we think that's just the way it is...but let's not talk about Bush right now either...
You're right, widgets aren't new...but guess what---they work on Mac's OS! As cool as all this wincustomize crap is...I still had miscellaneous errors every day! It just kills me now to see all you out there that would 'put up DX3 against Mac anyday' and to think you probably mean it! Everyone right now take a look at the big ugly rectangle you call a computer and seriously try to come up with the actual number of times you've rebooted do to errors and malfunctions. Is it more then 25? 50? Let me guess...you have no idea because it's so common you don't even think about it anymore. Now tell me in all honesty you think your computer is the bomb diggitty.
And guess what to all you looking forward to the next piece of dung Gates will release and to you eating it up like people being fed food that makes you sick, hey it keeps you going, who cares if you're vomitting all the time huh? It will be just the same as the last ten years of crap. Buy it up like sheep and praise its glory.
Eroticus Prime
on May 01, 2005
such as?
You say Judge hasn't been keeping up with the news. He clearly is, or he wouldn't have made the comments he did, which are based on things he's heard in the news, such as Microsoft dropping WinFS from Longhorn.
You say that Judge hasn't seen the latest on how Microsoft wants everyone to take their screenshots off their websites. This isn't relevant to anything. When he said that Longhorn is looking more like XP, he didn't mean the appearance, he meant the features set.
You say Judge doesn't understand that Longhorn is still in beta. Actually, you're wrong again.
It's not even beta yet. It's still a 'Developer's Preview' (ie. alpha).
You say that Judge knows nothing about the evolution between beta and official. Whether he does or not, this also bears no relevance to the argument. Of course the final product will be better, that goes without saying. But again, Longhorn isn't beta yet.
You say Judge is a hypocrite for using Microsoft products and flaming Microsoft at the same time. He's not a hypocrite, and he didn't flame anyone. He merely stated some justified observations and an educated opinion.
You ask if Judge is sure of what he thinks, or if he's a flip-flopper John Kerry. Judge seems perfectly sure of what he thinks to me, and politics don't need to be brought into this. But I'll just say I'd rather have someone who changes his mind about things running the country than a moronic, trigger-happy, oil-thirsty, greedy redneck warmonger cowboy who can barely string two words together who doesn't change his mind but makes the wrong decisions. Oh, and likes to invade countries.
Oh yeah, and republicans suck.
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