Published on November 30, 2009 By BX In WinCustomize Talk


HeliOS and Fances Pro



Comments (Page 6)
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on Dec 06, 2009

nicholas scarlett   yr screenshot is beautiful  i love it 

thanks loukeeya

nicholas scarlett yr screenshot is beautiful i love it

Those icons are really cool!

The blind ain't half bad either

Thanks 2of3 but are u kiding me,Solid state was done bya great skinner.

think he lives on the same block as you

on Dec 06, 2009

on Dec 06, 2009

uh, rick, where did you find that snowflake texture?

on Dec 06, 2009

uh, rick, where did you find that snowflake texture?

right here

on Dec 06, 2009

Loukeya I checked out your Desktop, nice!

The quote from Dr Douglas Young is one man's opinion. (much like the one supposedly held by Che and others) Sounds like a lot of Poltiticians to me.

Besides if this were all true, why are his tactical military moves requiered reading by the US Army and why did the CIA and Castro work together to have him assasinated in Bolivia. Read your history more in depth and you may learn that Che was not the monster he was made out to be.  By the way when the elderly were protesting in Russia against there own government recently they carried banners of Che!

What is unfortunate is that the images used here are art, nothing more and for this to become an arena for political views and huffing and puffing over personal opinon saddens me very much. There are people from all over the world on this site and I am sure that often they are offended by our American ways but for the most part stay silent. We need to become more tolerant in many ways!

on Dec 06, 2009

Tinted DX and Mirsguys windowblind! An unbeatable match!  The wall is APO Steel by devjit!

on Dec 06, 2009

That's one sweet DT I love the dark themes myself, very nice RD!!

on Dec 06, 2009



Mine this month

on Dec 06, 2009

Very nice Nimbin, love the  look and the Wallpaper!

on Dec 07, 2009

Hi. Here's my new  one, Imoved back to Trek for now." alt="PCAP" />


on Dec 07, 2009

on Dec 07, 2009

BT...Where did you find that background with the lighthouse and the beach?  I've looked everywhere I can think of, but no luck.




btw...nice desktop

on Dec 07, 2009

on Dec 07, 2009

on Dec 07, 2009

BT...Where did you find that background with the lighthouse and the beach?  I've looked everywhere I can think of, but no luck.




btw...nice desktop

when u select the Helios blinds in WB7,click on wallpaper and u will see it or browse the helios blinds directory

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